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money can’t buy time
寸金难买寸光阴  detail>>
can money buy happiness
金钱能买来幸福吗  detail>>
in those things that money can buy
在金钱可以买到的东西  detail>>
buy for money
现购, 现金采购  detail>>
buy time
拖延时间 争取时间  detail>>
to buy time
设法拖延时间  detail>>
can money
金钱是幸福之本  detail>>
buy for ready money
用现钱买, 贮款以购  detail>>
buy sth for (money)
以多少钱买  detail>>
have enough money to buy
有足够的钱买  detail>>
hold money to buy
持币待购  detail>>
holding money and rushing to buy
持币抢购  detail>>
things money cannot buy
千金难买  detail>>
can i buy a sample
能买一个样品吗  detail>>
it can buy a bed
可以用来买床  detail>>
it can buy a book
可以用来买书  detail>>
it can buy a clock
可以用来买时钟  detail>>
it can buy a house
可以用来买房子  detail>>